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Latitud Gallery

Latitud Gallery offers an innovative and exciting project in the current panorama of art galleries; It is considered one of the 10 best galleries in the city by CDMX * Guide Insider.

It was born from the initiative of a photographic collective directed by Ariel Carlomagno who has been traveling the world for years, because traveling has become a way of life in which everyone shares the same spirit, that which delves into the cultures and in the nature of this planet, capturing its richness, its essence, its diversity.

The mission of Latitud Gallery is to awaken the desire to travel, photograph and print.

Today Latitud Gallery is an established creative gallery, specialized in travel and tourism, providing a bridge that brings its visitors to know and get to know each other.

Its staff brings together photographers, editors, documentalists, art directors, musicians, multimedia designers, social communicators, marketing specialists and culture professionals.

Their work consists in developing high quality communication projects: photographic productions, documentaries, television products, books, magazines, exhibitions, 3D digital animations.

Strategic Alliances

Latitud Gallery is a 360 ° project. The support to make synergy between brands and offer them complete solutions.
Production + Printing + Exhibition.

Currently, new exhibition spaces are being implemented in the exclusive Centurion Lounge of American Express; taking the passion to travel directly to these exclusive meeting points, presenting special productions and unique objects along with different activities that are related to the passion to travel and portray moments.

In each production the means are adapted to the specific needs of each client, providing the highest quality in all the details of assembly, printing, paper and framing.

Photographic Archive

Latitud Gallery offers a photographic archive of more than 10,000 photographs, including landscapes, aerial shots, aquatic shots, portraits, nature details, etc.

Working specific productions by world-renowned photographers, created especially for the needs of our clients.

Latitud Gallery in Centurion Lounge

The gallery exclusively offers American Express a strategic alliance through integral solutions that provide a unique experience of the highest quality within each of the Centurion Lounge that are located at the different airports in Mexico City.

Every four months Latitud Gallery travels to different latitudes, maintaining a fresh, changing exhibition that awakens in each person who visits the spaces the passion to travel, the desire to know and discover each of the places that this world has to explore.

Each exhibition show photographic works from different countries, these way visitors can discover in each of the Centurion Lounge different secrets, new locations and faces of the latitude in turn.